The Best Day Is… TODAY!

Nejlepší den je …. DNEŠEK! In translation – The best day is…. TODAY!

Especially if we have a beautiful sunny day in Michigan! 😁

Not tomorrow, nor day after. TODAY! 😊

Isn’t this so true? We don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring so let’s just enjoy what we have today and worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes.

I have a calendar called 365 Štastních dní (365 happy days) on my desk to remind me to stay hopeful, positive and encouraged every day. You can see on the picture it was actually a message for May 8th and yes, today is the 9th but I believe it’s never too late to share inspirational messages.

I’m hoping you will be encouraged by this post today!

Share with us your ways of how to stay positive and encouraged in comments below. I think we all can benefit from some kind of self encouragement! 😊

Have a great day!☀

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